Fish shooting is no longer strange to professional bettors, in the top hot on many reputable platforms. With simple gameplay, unique sound and image, the game makes many bettors excited from the first time participating.
What is fish shooting slot?
In fact, this is an online Fish Shooting game that can be exchanged for rewards, developed from traditional slot machine games. The game is simply about aiming and shooting at fish in the virtual ocean world through equipped weapons.

In the past, if you wanted to play, you had to go to entertainment venues to participate in manual machines. However, up to now, due to the development of technology, you can simplify it. Specifically, with just a mobile phone/computer/PC… you can explore easily. You can entertain yourself anytime, anywhere, by your own choice.
The rules of this game are similar to the traditional version, but you can convert special “coins” into money or scratch cards. Depending on the rules of each different entertainment platform, you can easily convert them to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
When you defeat creatures on the screen, a certain amount of coins will appear and you can completely convert them into real money. Many players share that they have earned tens of millions of dong after playing this game.
How to play fish shooting slot?
Basically, the gameplay is quite simple, a few minutes of learning will help you master everything. Understanding the rules of the game or the features will help you win more, easily take home the prize.
Fish shooting slot game rules
You will need to use the weapons equipped by the system with the task of destroying the fish in the magical ocean world. Besides the main weapon, you will also receive other free and no free equipment.
Each fish shooting slot game room usually has 3-4 people, sometimes only one person participating in the battle. However, each member will be completely independent in terms of weapons or shooting modes.
Fish shooting slots include 4 basic easy-to-remember features:
- Auto: This means automatic mode, the player does not need to shoot, this operation is controlled by the system. That means you have free hands but can still destroy creatures. However, this mode should not be used often.
- Experience: Each time you hit a creature, you can get double points when choosing this feature. However, it is not free because you need to spend about 5 – 10 coins to use it publicly.
- Lock: Special mode allows bounty hunters to lock their guns to any creature. If the creature exits the screen, the system will notify you that you have successfully killed it and have money. Lock does not charge a fee.
- Speed up: Feature with the ability to increase the speed or force of the gun. This way you will take down faster, shorten the time but no free.

Fish shooting slots usually have up to 5 different types of support weapons. These are mostly high-end support tools for bounty hunters.
- Cannon: Supports players in destroying creatures with 7 levels from low to high.
- Bomb: Helps bettors take down creatures within a fairly wide range.
- Poison: A weapon with terrible damage, just dropping it in an area can destroy all the creatures gathered there.
- Radiation: A weapon that helps bounty hunters increase their aiming ability and find targets more easily.
- Gold Double: This mode helps bettors double their bonus after each accurate shot.

Fish shooting slot has the appearance of dozens of different sea creatures with steaming symbols. Of course, each creature represents a fixed reward level announced from the gaming system.
Normally, killing small fish will give double points, but for larger creatures, the points are of course one level higher. A large creature will receive 200 times the reward coins when successfully killed. Even some giant bosses can give 500 times the reward coins.
Share some tips to win the fish shooting slot game
Although the game has simple gameplay and easy to learn the rules, not everyone can conquer the maximum score. You can pocket a few unbeatable secrets shared by the bounty hunting experts below.
Ignore “Auto” mode
There is no doubt about the usefulness of auto mode, which helps you to be hands-free but still kill fish. However, if you abuse it, your skills will be limited, you will spend a lot of money but the profit you get will be insignificant. Most professional bounty hunters are extremely limited in using Auto.
Advance – retreat – advance strategy
This method is favored by experts because the results are too perfect. The formula of forward – backward – forward is very suitable for destroying large creatures. This means you limit the amount of money spent and optimize the time to defeat.

Flexible bullets
Destroying the boss in fish shooting is not simple and will be difficult if you only use a single bullet. Instead, you should be flexible in using many different types to be able to destroy quickly. Try to change regularly to achieve the expected results.
Adjust the speed accordingly
It is true that fast speed makes it easier to shoot down creatures. But if the speed is not stable, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, it will directly affect the hunting of rewards. The advice from experts is to shoot at a fast but steady speed, continuously releasing bullets evenly.
Use bomb mode
In case there is a school of fish rushing towards you, quickly use the explosive bomb. Once the feature is effective, it will help you take down many creatures and collect a huge amount of coins. However, you need to calculate the exact time or you will waste the bomb because this mode is not free.
Change direction promptly, flexible gun hand when shooting fish slots
If you are focusing on destroying a relatively large creature but cannot defeat it despite spending a lot of bullets. Quickly switching to a new target will help you limit the situation of losing too much money. No profit, just loss, not high efficiency.
Select shoot from small to large
As you know, in the game there are small creatures, big creatures and the bigger you shoot, the more rewards you get. According to the reward hunting experts, shoot from small to large, especially when playing for the first time.
Choosing a boss when your skills are limited will only make you lose more. Focusing on practicing from small creatures will contribute significantly to helping you increase your ability to destroy.
Above is the information about Slot Fish Shooting that all fishermen need to know. The game has been making waves in the prize exchange market for many years and shows no signs of cooling down. So what are you waiting for without starting to hunt for prizes with 77PH right now?